Bachangudda's second megalithic tomb

February 23, 2013

While traveling from Akkargal to Shantagiri we stopped at Bachangudda for few minutes, I wanted Malatesh to see the two-chamber megalithic burial chamber. The stop gave us a bonus; we got a chance to see the other megalithic tomb which I missed during my earlier visits.

This is the tomb I had seen earlier.. Stone Age Megalithic Tomb of Bachangudda. This is about 25' from the road, visible clearly from the road.
two chambered burial tomb
The second tomb is situated about 60' away from the road, not easily visible because of the vegetation around it. Also, during agricultural seasons, crops conceal it. Here it is- looks like a heap of rubble. I went around it clockwise..

This side too is covered by dirt. Cap-stones are moved and lying to the sides.

That's Malatesh sitting on the side walls.

JOwar-stalks heaped around the monument. In the background is Bachangudda hill. Behind the hill flows river Malaprabha.

A short video by Malatesh.
