Vaadee, to my knowledge, is a Desai’s place of dwelling, a palatial mansion. Desais were (Desais families still exist) landlords in North Karnataka during British rule. There are many
vaadaes in which people still dwell ...few are up to 200 to 400 years old.
I always thought
Kittur Vaadae to be a
Qila (fort) but got to know the fact few years ago. I’ve visited the place few times and found some features very interesting – the kitchen, the bathroom sink and water tanks, the drain grill carved of stone, water pipes in the walls, the swimming pool, the dairy… There’s not much to see but still if you have the interest you can find lot of things you can appreciate.
Kittur Vade was built early 19th century ...1820s.
And if you happen to be driving between Dharwad and Belgaum and you want to stop over for a break, Kittur vade is a nice place to relax.

Palace ruins |
Swimming pool |
Wash basin |
Lamp wall |
Pole Star viewing room |
Water tank |
Kitchen |
Wash basin |
Underground drain cover-grill |
Pooja room |