Our first stop was over the bridge over river Bedti. Vivek was thrilled to see the river flowing through the forest. He went on a shooting spree. We told Chetan that we would leave him in the jungles and pick him up again after few years. He could live build a tree house on one of the little islands in the river. We talked lot of rubbish...
That's the first glimpse of the sea for the day. Here we come Arabian Sea!!
I guess from here Keerthi got busy with his mobile. He would either listen to music or read and compose messages.
Grass grabbed our attention. What a lovely shade of green! As we drove on the West Coast Road we got to see many shades of green... paddy fields in morning light.
We stopped at Kumta for breakfast and moved straight to Apsarakonda. Vehicle parking area is not very spacious, so we went uphill trying to locate the road leading behind the temple. The dirt road was in bad shape we turned back and went further up the hill. We saw a lovely peacock. Vivek ran towards it trying to get a shot but the bird was too quick for us. It took off and flew deeper into the woods. We reversed. back to square one.
No other tourists. Water was cool and clear. We suggested Chetan to hide among the bushes and signal us when Apsaras turned up...
Apasarakonda, we'll be back after we were done with exploring the caves and spending time on the beach. As we walked the way up the hill, we passed by few cows. Chetan remarked "Live Basavannas". Over dose of digital technology?
That's Cave #1.
Inside the floor was damp and slippery.
Cave with sea-view.
That's from Cave #2. I wanted to capture a drop falling midair. After 5 shots I gave up. I think Keerthi was busy speaking on his mobile...
We walked till the far end of the path. To my right; full length view of Kasarkod beach. And an island sitting on the horizon.
To the left; a little beach.
Four of us clicking away.
We are the travelers!
Actually we on roof top cave #3.
Chetan almost made us dive down a 12 foot vertical drop. We told him we prefer steps like these.
View from Cave #4.
Sea and beach was beckoning... we went down the hill. I love to see fresh water stream joining the sea. Warm stream water meets cool salt water. Baga beach is another place I've seen fresh water joining the sea. Veeresh, Chetan and I enjoyed playing in sea. Vivek got busy with his mobile. Keerthi who was watching us ws forced to join us. We had a good time tacking the waves. For Chetan this is the maiden visit to a sea.
Sea wind was pretty strong kicking up sand off the beach. My camera caught few grains of sand and the lens' cover failed to open completely.
We covered Veeresh in sand. In the background you can see Vivek and Keerthi busy with their mobile phones. This is the only place and the only time they both got! Scooping up sand was fun. I would dig and pass sand. Chetan would plaster it on Veersh. At times waves would wash away some of the sand... urging us to work faster.
I went for a short walk towards the rocks. Sand was in the air... almost like a sandstorm. I wish I could shoot it... but not without damaging the camera. I could not stand there for long... a series of sharp stings. My skin was burning; effect of sun and salt.
In the picture below, wet sand covered by dry sand blown over ...almost a nonstop mini sandstorm.
We got back into water for some more time. We were hungry and nothing to eat. We decided to get back up the hill... Back at Apsarakonda it was more like a public park at rush hour- kids, women and men. I did not care, just got into the water and washed off the salt and sand. By the time I was done a noisy gang shattered the peace. Veeresh and Chetan were busy under the falls. Veeresh was asking me to join... backache will get cured. I was done with cleaning up. I was hungry, just wanted to grab something from the assortment of eatables we had left back in the cab. I changed from shorts to trousers & a tee-shirt and went back up. Keerthi was totally hooked to his mobile phone.
Soon we were cruising the highway back towards Honnavar. Lunched at Hotel Navaratna. We drove of the highway towards Karikannamma temple, located atop a jungle covered mountain. We enjoyed the the 8km uphill & downhill drive. Back on the highway, we stopped at Mirjan. Vivek wanted a Sprite. Actually most if us were tired. We did not spend much time here. I met Enas, my guide during my last visit. Vivek's hunt for Sprite kept failing time and again. Our next stop Gokarn; the sun was way below the horizon by the time we set foot into Gokarn. Sprite got replaced with gadbad. We left Gokarn by 7-30, no stops, we reached Dharwad minutes before 10PM. A tiring day. My back and shoulders were hurting...sun-burn!